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Joanna Littler

Beelieve Pediatric Therapy

Owner + Physical Therapist

Joanna has been a pediatric physical therapist for 13 years and has been the owner at Beelieve Pediatric Therapy for the last 7 years. She had a vision for a clinic in DFW that not only helps kids with special needs, but one that recognizes and celebrates all kids’ accomplishments and milestones! She has experience and extensive training in: neurodevelopmental treatments, autism, aquatic therapy, CP management, Down syndrome, pediatric equipment, partial weight bearing with gait training, assessment of the high-risk infant, torticollis, functional electrical stimulation, spasticity management, spina bifida and working with children with severe impairments. Joanna is trained and certified in TheraSuit Therapy and is competent in using the Universal Exercise Unit to help children of all ages with neurological impairments. Joanna is passionate about intensive therapy and has found this to be a very effective treatment approach in meeting functional goals in a short period of time. 

Joanna and her husband, Rudy, opened Beelieve in January of 2015 and have been enjoying this new adventure helping kids and their families by providing the best all-around care to help each one of them meet their highest potential and bee the best that they can bee. When not at work, Joanna enjoys spending time with Rudy and their two active children, Baylee and Liam. She loves watching the Arkansas Razorbacks, watching Baylee and Liam play sports and act, doing anything outside, traveling and going out to eat.

Joanna Littler Image

Physical Therapists

Beelieve Pediatric Therapy
Allison Barrett Physical Therapiest

Allison Barrett

Physical Therapy Director

Graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Texas at Arlington. Earned her Doctorate of Physical Therapy from UT Southwestern Medical Center. She has experience and training working with children with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, spina bifida, torticollis, muscular dystrophy, developmental delays, toe walking, and orthopedic conditions as well as many other neurodevelopmental diagnoses and genetic conditions. Allison also has training in Total Motion Release (TMR tots and teens), the Universal Exercise Unit, and Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI).

Sami Ewing Image

Sami Ewing

Physical Therapist

Graduated from Texas Tech University and received her Doctor of Physical Therapy from the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth. Sami has experience treating a variety of diagnoses including Down Syndrome, Autism, Developmental delays, toe walking, and multiple other neurological and orthopedic diagnoses.

Addison Gold Physical Therapist

Addison Gold

Physical Therapist

Graduated from the University of Arkansas and earned her Doctor of Physical Therapy from Southwest Baptist University. Addison has experience working with children with a variety of diagnoses including cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, muscular dystrophy, genetic disorders, developmental delay, and multiple other neurologic and orthopedic conditions. 

Rianna Silverstein Image

Rianna Silverstein

Lead Physical Therapist

Graduated with her Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Midwestern University. Rianna has experience working with children with a variety of diagnoses including: developmental delay, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, Angelman syndrome, autism, toe walking, muscular dystrophy, achondroplasia, and torticollis. She has training in Total Motion Release (TMR Tota & Teens) and Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI).

Naatli Mesa

Natali Mesa

Physical Therapist

Graduated from Univ of the Incarnate Word and earned her Doctorate of Physical Therapy from the University of North Texas Health Science Center in Fort Worth. Natali has experience working with a variety of diagnoses including Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, torticollis, developmental delays, and autism. 

Kayla Mount Physical Therapist

Kayla Mount

Physical Therapist

Graduated from the University of Oklahoma and earned her Doctor of Physical Therapy from Marist College. Kayla has experience treating a variety of diagnoses including Down Syndrome, developmental delays, Autism, toe walking, and a multitude of orthopedic and neurologic conditions.

Lauryn McCue

Lauryn McCue

Physical Therapist

Graduated Summa Cum Laude from Louisiana State University. Earned her Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Texas Women’s University in Dallas. Lauryn has experience working with children with developmental delay, toe walking, torticollis, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, and multiple other orthopedic and neurological diagnoses. She also has training in Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI). Lauryn is one of our Aquatic Program Leads and trained by Aquatic Therapy and Rehab Institute (ATRI).

Amber Thurston

Amber Thurston

Physical Therapist

Graduated with her Doctorate of Physical Therapy from the University of North Texas Health Science Center in Fort Worth. Amber has experience treating children with a variety of diagnoses and functional levels including developmental delay, torticollis, autism, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, toe walking, developmental coordination disorder, and orthopedic conditions. Amber also has training in Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI).

Miranda Welborn Physical Therapist

Miranda Welborn

Physical Therapist

Graduated from the University of Arkansas and received her Doctorate of Physical Therapy from UT Southwestern Medical Center. Miranda has experience working with children with  a variety of diagnoses including developmental delay, Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy, toe walking, torticollis, spina bifida, oncology diagnoses, orthopedic injuries, genetic conditions, and many other neurodevelopmental diagnoses.

Physical Therapists

Occupational Therapists

Beelieve Pediatric Therapy
Marilu Flores

Marilu Flores

Therapy Director

Graduated with her Masters in Occupational Therapy from UT Pan American in Edinburg, TX. Since becoming Therapy Director, Marilu has been able to fulfill her passion for assisting families and therapists as we collaborate to help kiddos reach their greatest potential. She loves assisting in all aspects of our client’s care both behind the scenes and directly with the therapists.

katelyn willingham

Katelyn Willingham

Lead Occupational Therapist

Graduated with her Masters of Occupational therapy from Texas Tech Health Sciences Center in Lubbock, Tx. Before coming to Beelieve, Katelyn worked in Lubbock doing pediatric home health and then in an outpatient pediatric clinic. She has gained wonderful experience working with children with a variety of diagnoses including children diagnosed with autism, developmental delays, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, sensory processing, oral/feeding difficulties, and much more! Katelyn loves working in pediatrics and having the privilege to help children become more independent and confident in their everyday lives! 

Kayla Toney

Kayla Toney

Occupational Therapist

Graduated with her Master’s in Occupation Therapy from Texas Women’s University. Kayla has experience working wit children with a variety of diagnoses including autism spectrum disorder, dyspraxia, intellectual disabilities, and sensory processing disorder. Her goal is to develop strong relationships with the families at Beelieve and work together to help the children be successful and engage in the activities that are most meaningful to them.

Ludine  Augustin

Ludine Augustin

Occupational Therapist

Graduated with her Doctorate in Occupational Therapy from the University of Florida. Ludine has experience working with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, ADHD, developmental delays, sensory processing disorders, oral/feeding difficulties, aquatic therapy and so much more! She completed her doctoral capstone project focused on implementing occupational-based strategies in the preschool setting; restructuring one of the classrooms into a sensory space for students with sensory-related issues and training teachers on proper use.

Kristen McLarty

Kristen McLarty

Occupational Therapist

Kristen graduated from Abilene Christian University with a Masters in Occupational Therapy. It is there she developed a passion for helping kiddos with a wide variety of needs such as feeding, sensory, and developmental delays. Kristen is eager to assist kids in reaching their highest potential in order to have a fulfilled quality of life. 

Kathleen Barc

Kathleen Baron

Occupational Therapist

Graduated with her MOT from the Medical College of Ohio.  In her career, she has enjoyed opportunities to focus her clinical skills with many complex populations. Her experience has ranged from spinal cord injury rehabilitation to NICU.  She has extensive experience as a feeding specialist and enjoys gardening, cooking, and eating in her spare time.

Kylie Young

Kylie Young

Occupational Therapist

Kylie graduated with her Doctorate in Occupational Therapy from Baylor University. She completed her first clinical rotation here with us at Beelieve! During this time, she worked with various diagnoses including spina bifida, cerebral palsy, genetic disorders, Angelman syndrome, developmental delays, autism, and more. Prior to coming back to Beelieve, Kylie drove a sensory bus out into the community, providing sensory integration to children of various abilities! She is passionate about OT and using a holistic approach to guiding all children to BEE the best they can BEE!

Amanda Hammer

Amanda Hammer

Occupational Therapist

Graduated with her Doctorate in Occupational Therapy from St. Ambrose University in Davenport, IA. Before coming to Beelieve, Amanda worked in an outpatient pediatric clinic obtaining her certification at the STAR Institute for Sensory Processing

Advanced Intensive Mentorship, Level 1. She gained experience working with autism, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, ADHD, developmental delays, sensory processing disorders, and oral/feeding difficulties! She completed her doctoral capstone project (Early Effective Mobility for Pediatric Rehabilitation Settings) focused on facilitating age-appropriate play and participation for children with significant physical limitations. Amanda loves collaborating and supporting families to build towards overall independence in everyday occupations.

DJ Veine

DJ Veine

Occupational Therapist

DJ graduated from Texas Woman's University Denton with a Doctorate in Occupational Therapy. From clinical experience in pediatric and orthopedic outpatient clinics, she has gained experience working a variety of diagnoses including Autism, ADHD, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, developmental and/or intellectual disabilities. DJ's goal is to use a holistic approach to help all children achieve their goals. 

Occupational Therapists
Speech Therapists

Speech Therapists

Beelieve Pediatric Therapy
Caitlin Perryman Speech Therapy Director

Caitlin Perryman

Speech Therapy Director

Caitlin completed her Master’s Degree in Speech-Language Pathology from the University of North Texas Health Sciences Center. She has a Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and is currently serving as the Texas Speech-Language Hearing Association State Advocate for Reimbursement.She specialized in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome, Intellectual Disability, Apraxia, hearing impairment, language disorders, articulation/phonological processing disorders, fluency disorders, feeding disorders, Rett syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Williams syndrome, Prader-Willie syndrome, Traumatic brain injury and more. She also established and implemented a variety of Augmentative and Alternative communication systems for nonverbal children.

Samantha Klym

Samantha Klym

Lead Speech Therapist

Graduated with her Master’s in Speech Language Pathology from the University of Texas at Dallas. She has experience with a variety of disabilities and disorders including articulation and receptive/expressive language disorders, fluency, Childhood Apraxia of Speech, Autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, cochlear implants and more. Sam loves her job and loves being able to help children communicate their wants and needs!

Michelle Hernandez

Michelle Hernandez


Graduated with her Bachelor’s in Communication Disorders from Stephen F Austin University. Michelle is now a certified Speech-Language Pathology Assistant with 11 years of experience in pediatric therapy; working with children with Articulation, Language, Fluency, and Phonology Disorders, children with Sensory Processing Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Central Auditory Processing Disorder, Childhood Apraxia of Speech, Selective Mutism, Cleft Lip and Palate, Dawn Syndrome, and Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Lecticia Image

Leticia Corral

Speech Therapist

Originally from New Mexico, Leticia made Fort Worth her home 2 years ago. She graduated from Eastern New Mexico University with a Bachelor of Science in Communication Disorders. Upon graduation, Leticia worked as an SLP assistant while attending Graduate School at Eastern New Mexico where she earned a Master of Science in Communication Disorders. Leticia has experience working in the school and clinic settings. She's so thrilled to be a part of the Beelieve team.

Morgan Gibson Image

Morgan Gibson

Speech Therapist

Received her bachelor's and Master's of Science in Speech-Language Pathology at The University of North Texas. Morgan has experience with a variety of disabilities and disorders including: articulation and phonological disorders, expressive/receptive language, fluency, use of augmented assistive communication devices, Childhood Apraxia of Speech, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and more! She loves serving others through the field of speech-language pathology and helping kiddos reach their full potential!

Audrey Brock

Audrey Brock

Speech Therapist

Graduated with her Master’s in Speech Language Pathology from the University of North Texas. Audrey has experience with a variety of disabilities and disorders including: articulation, expressive/receptive language, fluency disorder, autism spectrum disorder, childhood apraxia of speech, intellectual disability, hearing impairment, and use of augmentative and alternative communication devices. Audrey believes one of her purposes is to guide and support others as they transform into the next stage of themselves.

Abbie Clark Image

Abbie Clark

Speech Therapist

Received undergraduate degree at the University of North Texas in 2018 and master's degree at Texas Woman's University in 2022. After undergrad and throughout grad school, Abbie worked as an SLP-Assistant. She has experience with a variety of disabilities and disorders including: articulation and phonological disorders, expressive/receptive language, fluency, augmented assistive communication devices, Childhood Apraxia of Speech, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, and more! Abbie loves working with kiddos and helping them build their confidence and reach their max potential!

Olivia Lane Image

Olivia Lane

Speech Therapist

Graduated with her Master’s in Communication Disorders from the University of Texas at Dallas. Her final clinical placement was with us, at Beelieve! Through her experiences in pediatric therapy, she has gained knowledge of a variety of disabilities and disorders including: articulation and phonological disorders, fluency disorders, expressive/receptive disorders, Childhood Apraxia of Speech, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome, and more! Olivia is passionate about the field of speech-language pathology and is excited to help children become all they are meant to BEE!

Claire Fishnurn Image

Claire Fishburn

Speech Therapist

Graduated with her master’s degree from the University of Northern Colorado. Claire has experience with a variety of disabilities and disorders including fluency, articulation/phonology, receptive/expressive language, auditory processing, hearing impairment, use of augmentative/alternative communication devices, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Down Syndrome. She loves working with kids and helping them reach their full potential!

Bethany Waltman Image

Bethany Waltman

Speech Therapist

Graduated with her master’s degree from Texas State University in 2020. Bethany is NLA-Trained to treat Gestalt Language Processors.  Bethany has experience with various disabilities and disorders including articulation/phonological disorders, expressive/receptive language, fluency, augmented assistive communication devices, Childhood Apraxia of Speech, and Autism Spectrum Disorder. She loves getting to know each child she works with and finding fun ways to assist functional communication

Jo Tanzer Image

Jo Tanzer

Speech Therapist

Jo graduated with her Master’s degree from University of the Pacific in Stockton, CA. She completed post graduate study at the Child Development and Rehabilitation Center at Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland, OR. Areas of special interest include: feeding and swallowing disorders, receptive and expressive language abilities, executive function skills and family education. Being a part of the Beelieve hive provides the opportunity to help families achieve their child’s full potential through multi-disciplinary collaboration.

Brenna Firestone Image

Brenna Firestone

Speech Therapist

Originally from Nebraska,  Brenna moved to the DFW area in 2020. She graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas with a master’s degree in speech- language pathology. Brenna has experience with a variety of disabilities and disorders including: articulation and phonological disorders, receptive/expressive language disorders, use and implementation of augmented and assisted communication devices, autism spectrum disorder, and more! She is excited to take part in serving the pediatric population. 

Gracie Davis Image

Gracie Davis

Speech Therapist

Received her Masters of Speech Language Pathology from Abilene Christian University. She has experience working with pediatric feeding disorders, expressive/receptive language, early childhood intervention, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome, hearing impairment, and more! She loves empowering and advocating for her client's needs in order for them to reach their full potential!

Kaitlyn Gill

Kaitlyn Gill

Speech Therapist

Kaitlyn graduated from Louisiana Tech University with her Master’s degree and has been a speech-language pathologist for over 6 years. Kaitlyn has a passion for working with children with a variety of diagnoses affecting their swallowing, voice, speech, language and cognition. She is excited to make a difference and help our Beelieve kiddos reach their highest potential!


Office Team

Beelieve Pediatric Therapy
Beelieve Pediatric Therapy
Megan Houk

Megan Houk

Office Manager

Beelieve Pediatric Therapy
Dillon Hernandez

Dillon Hernandez

Marketing Coordinator

Beelieve Pediatric Therapy
Monica Ohlman Image

Monica Ohlman

Billing Manager

Beelieve Pediatric Therapy
Samantha Chalupka Image

Samantha Burger

New Patient Intake Coordinator

Beelieve Pediatric Therapy
Emily Wheeler

Emily Wheeler

Office Assistant

Beelieve Pediatric Therapy
Melissa Womack

Melissa Womack

Benefits Coordinator

Beelieve Pediatric Therapy
Faith Daniel  Image

Faith Daniel

Office Assistant

Beelieve Pediatric Therapy
Chelsea Gould Image

Chelsea Gould

Administrative Coordinator

Beelieve Pediatric Therapy
Dani DE La Rosa Image

Dani De La Rosa

Office Assistant

Beelieve Pediatric Therapy


10640 N Riverside Dr Suite 200

Fort Worth, TX 76244


Phone: 817-431-9000

Fax: 817-796-2781


111 Larson Ln

Aledo, TX 76008


Phone: 817-431-9000

Fax: 817-796-2781

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