Non-Invasive Spinal Stimulation Therapy
How can we help?
Non-invasive spinal stimulation, also known as spinal stim, uses the same device that our therapists use for NMES technique. This adjunct therapy tool has shown to be beneficial in children with injury to their spinal cord.
In order to initiate movement, an electrical signal is sent from the brain, down the spinal cord, and then out through millions of nerves to each part of the body to tell it what to do. Children with spinal cord injuries can have anywhere from a complete to incomplete disruption of the electrical impulse at and below the level of injury. This is where non-invasive spinal stimulation can be helpful!
Each lead wire that initiates from the electrical stimulation device splits into two for electrical current to flow between two separate electrode placements. Unlike the traditional NMES setup where both electrodes are placed on a muscle group, spinal stim setup has one electrode placed along the spinal column and the other placed on a target muscle group. This allows for electrical impulses to propagate from the spinal cord to the nerves that stimulate the target muscle. Stimulating the spinal cord increases the nerve conduction between the brain-muscle response.
This technique has been researched primarily in children with Spina Bifida as well as Plexus Paralysis, Tethered Cord Syndrome, and Spinal Cord Injury. Some benefits have also been seen in kiddos with central nervous system disorders such as Cerebral Palsy. It can have positive effects on resulting postural impairments from the above listed diagnoses such as scoliosis, club foot, or hip dysplasia.
Increased sensation
New movements
Strengthening of existing movements
Reduce sensory or strength asymmetries
Improve bowel & bladder functions (decrease constipation, etc.)
Faster healing
Maintenance or improvements of posture (scoliosis, club foot, etc.)
Improved respiration & decreased illness
Program Details:
Initial consultation with our certified physical therapist to determine if non-invasive spinal stimulation is appropriate for your child.
Baseline physical therapy evaluation. This allows the PT to assess current skill level and goals for spinal stim.
Sensory & motor response testing. During this time, electrodes are only placed on the testing area to gather nerve conduction baselines.
Home program setup. At this point, electrodes will be placed along the spinal column and target muscle groups that are chosen based on goals & testing responses. This time is used to find the specific intensity settings that will be used at home.
Family education. The caregivers will be provided with an extensive, individualized home program protocol that typically includes 2-3 target muscle groups. The family will also be educated on how to use the NMES unit.
Re-testing and home program adjustments are recommended about every 6 months to track change over time and ensure protocol is most beneficial for the patient.
We have scheduling options for both current patients and any family interested in visiting our clinic for this specialized service!

10640 N Riverside Dr Suite 200
Fort Worth, TX 76244
Phone: 817-431-9000
Fax: 817-796-2781
Email: info@beelievepediatrictherapy.com
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